Daya hasil genotipe jagung merah Unipa pada beberapa ame-lioran di Distrik Manokwari Utara

Yield capacity of the Unipa red corn genotype in several ameliorans in North Manokwari District

  • Nouke Lenda Mawikere Universitas Papua
  • Ary Kilala Pasca sarjana
  • Alce Ilona Noya Universitas Papua
  • Amelia S. Sarungallo Universitas Papua
  • Purbokurniawan Universitas Papua
  • Barahima Abbas Universitas Papua
Keywords: Ameliorants, AMP-UNIPA Genotype, Corn


ABSTRACT: This research aims to find out the types of ameliorant and the local West Papua genotypes that have the best influence on corn productivity, identify the yield of several promoting genotypes of the local West Papua red corn using several types of ameliorant in North Manokwari District, and know the right type of the ameliorant for increasing the yield of several promoting genotype of the local West Papua red corn. The study used a split-plot design with the combination treatments of ameliorant types and corn plant genotypes.  The types of ameliorant as the first treatment factor which was allocated as a main plot consisted of Control or without ameliorant (Ao), Chicken Manure (A1), and Goat Manure (A2). The second factor (G) as a subplot consisted of 8 types of corn genotypes (AMP-UNIPA 1, AMP-UNIPA 2, AMP-UNIPA 3, AMP-UNIPA 4, AMP-UNIPA 5, AMP-UNIPA 6, AMP-UNIPA 7, and AML-UNIPA (local varieties).  The results showed that the combination of ameliorant and corn genotypes treatments produced a different influence on the growth and yield components of corn. Several important variables in the growth component as well as the corn yield component showed the best results as an influence of goat manure ameliorant application.


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How to Cite
Lenda Mawikere, N., Kilala, A., Ilona Noya, A., S. Sarungallo, A., Purbokurniawan, & Abbas, B. (2024). Daya hasil genotipe jagung merah Unipa pada beberapa ame-lioran di Distrik Manokwari Utara. Cassowary, 7(2), 73-84.

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