Korelasi kadar air, bahan kering dan kadar gula serta sifat sensori umbi beberapa genotipe ubi jalar lokal Papua

Correlation of water content, dry matter and sugar content as well as the sensory prop-erties of tubers of several local Papuan sweet potato genotypes

  • Auvonia Paiki Universitas Papua
  • Saraswati Prabawardani Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Papua
  • Antonius Suparno Universitas Papua
  • Nouke L. Mawikere Universitas Papua
  • Amin Mbusango Universitas Papua
Keywords: Ipomoea batatas, productivity, sensori, sugar content, sweet potato


ABSTRACT: This research was conducted at Klamana, KM 14, East Sorong District, Sorong City, Southwest Papua Province, with the objective of analyzing the correlation between water, dry matter, and sugar level and measuring the sensory properties  of root storage on several local Papuan sweet potato genotypes. The research used an experimental method with a Randomized Complete Block Design on 5 sweet potato genotypes (Local Sorong, Mokwam, Koya-4, Koya-5, Soribo), which were repeated 4 times, so that there were 20 experimental units. The results showed that Local Sorong and Mokwam genotypes produced the highest sugar content (14.2 and 15.2 Brix), whereas Soribo genotype produced the highest dry matter content (40.58%), followed by Koya-4 and Koya-6. The correlation coefficient results show that there is a very strong positive relationship between water content and tuber sugar content with a value of r = 0.94, whereas a strong negative correlation coefficient is shown by dry matter content and tuber sugar content with a value of r = 0.94. Based on the testing on sensory characteristics, most of the panelists liked the color of the steamed tubers of Local Sorong, Mokwam, and Koya-4 genotypes. The taste sensory were preferred more in the Local Sorong and Mokwam genotypes by the teenage or younger age category panelists, while Koya-4 was more in the category of mature age panelists. The texture and fibrous feel of the local Sorong and Mokwam steamed tubers were preferred by most of the panelists, because the tuber flesh of both genotypes are soft, easy to digest and smooth.


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How to Cite
Paiki, A., Prabawardani, S., Suparno, A., L. Mawikere, N., & Mbusango, A. (2024). Korelasi kadar air, bahan kering dan kadar gula serta sifat sensori umbi beberapa genotipe ubi jalar lokal Papua. Cassowary, 7(2), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.30862/casssowary.cs.v7.i2.283