Cassowary 2024-01-29T09:49:36+00:00 Prof. Dr. Ir. Barahima Abbas, M.Si Open Journal Systems <p>Cassowary is a Scientific Journal of Management of Natural Resources and Environment, aims to disseminate research findings on environmental and natural resource management. The writings can be published in this journal can be shaped dissertations, theses, research reports, scientific papers and book reviews. Published twice a year, every Januari and Juni.</p> Pengaruh Senyawa Pengimbas dan Ekspresi Gen Terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan Pada Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz.) 2024-01-29T09:49:35+00:00 Nur Aisyah Amini Endang Nurcahyani <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <strong>: </strong>&nbsp;Cassava or cassava (<em>Manihot esculenta</em> Crantz.) is the sixth most important crop in terms of annual production. Cassava is very important as a staple food crop in tropical and subtropical regions, Africa, Asia, and South America where drought and poor soil fertility are major constraints limiting crop productivity, due to their ability to survive and produce in adverse environments. In cassava plants experiencing drought stress will inhibit cell division which will further inhibit the development of young leaves. Breeding of cassava plants needs to be done to maintain cassava productivity, both on dry land. The most effective breeding technique for cassava plants is by using molecular techniques and also applying compounds that are tolerant to drought stress. The purpose of the review journal is to find out the types of genes and compounds that can be used by plants to be resistant to drought stress in cassava. The results of reviews from several journals show that PEG 6000 and Atonic Growth Regulatory Substances (ZPT) are compounds that are tolerant to drought stress and the genes that play an important role for drought resistance in cassava are the WIN1 gene (Wax Inducer1) and the MeRAVs gene which functions to increase efficiency use of water by modifying the diffusive properties of the leaves due to the accumulation of high levels of wax.</p> 2024-01-29T08:55:49+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Aisyah Amini Keanekaragaman Vegetasi Pada Hutan Penyangga di Kabupaten Manokwari 2024-01-29T09:49:35+00:00 Mahmud <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT: </em></strong><em>Curren</em><em>tly, limited production forest (LPF</em><em>) or </em><em>t</em><em>he </em><em>buffer</em> <em>zone </em><em>are targeted in relation to the need for food and the development of new autonomous regions. This study aims to determine the diversity of species and structure in </em><em>t</em><em>he </em><em>buffer</em> <em>zone </em><em>from seedlings to trees in the Arui Watershed, Manokwari Regency. Samples were taken using systematic sampling, vegetation structure was determined based on the importance value index while species diversity analysis was determined based on the Shannon-Wiener index. The results showed that there were 92 plots with 84 species </em><em>of</em><em> 43 families with a species diversity of 1,6-1,9 which was classified as moderate. The four dominant species that are often found at the seedling, sampling, pole and tree levels are: Horsfieldia irya, Pometia pinnata, Chisocheton ceramicus and Teijsmanniodendron bogoriense. Hydrology, land, biodiversity and social diversity need to be reconsidered in non-forest sector development so that the threat of flooding does not recur</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-29T08:59:19+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mahmud Mahmud Analisis Status Mutu Air Sungai Gajahwong Segmen Balérejo-Wirokertèn Menggunakan Metode STORET, Indeks Pencemaran, dan Indeks Kualitas Air 2024-01-29T09:49:35+00:00 Ali Aulia Ghozali Yoshua Dewi Eviane Agnes Dyah Novitasari Lestari <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong><em>: Gajahwong River is one of the 3 rivers that pass through the city of Yogyakarta. There are many activities carried out by the local community around the riverbank, such as settlements, industry, which have the potential to affect the water quality of the river. This research was aimed to evaluate the water quality of the Gajahwong River in the Balérejo-Wirokertèn segment and to determine the water quality status using the STORET, Pollution Index and Water Quality Index (IKA). This study used primary data which were examined at 7 sampling points between the Balérejo Bridge to the Wirokertèn Dam. The research was conducted in the dry season, June 2022. The water quality parameters were DO, BOD, phosphate, nitrate, Cu, Ag, pH, temperature, total coliform (CT) and TDS. Based on the results after calculating the status of water quality using these three indices, the Gajahwong River in the study segment has exceeded the Class II quality standard. In addition, it was shown that there were 5 parameters that most dominantly affecting the status of water quality, namely: CT, Cu, Ag, BOD, and phosphate. These five parameters contributed greatly to the decline in the water quality of the Gajahwong River, particularly in the Balérejo-Wirokertèn segment. Generally, river water quality of Gajahwong river in this study is between marginal to heavily polluted.</em></p> 2024-01-29T09:05:11+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ali Aulia Ghozali, Yoshua, Dewi Eviane, Agnes Dyah Novitasari Lestari Eksplorasi kuskus pada hutan dataran tinggi di Lanny Jaya Pegunungan Tengah 2024-01-29T09:49:36+00:00 Febriza Dwi Ranti Elda I. J. J. Kawulur <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong>: The cuscus is a marsupial mammal, has a prehensile tail and fused second and third toes on its hind feet. Its distribution is in the highlands and lowlands. There is not much research on the types of cuscus in the highlands, therefore the aim of this research is to determine the type and morphology of cuscus in the Lanny Jaya Forest, Pegunungan Tengah, where the topography is the highlands. This research was carried out using observation methods in forest areas involving mammal hunters. The results of the research show that there are three types of cuscus in the Lanny Jaya forest area, namely Phalanger vestitus with the morphological characteristic of having thick hair on the dorsal part, gray in color with a wide central stripe on the prominent dorsal part. Phalanger carmelitae is often called mountain possum with its morphological characteristics of brown hair, no stripes on the dorsal and the tip of the tail being white. Phalanger sericeus is known as the silk-haired possum. This cuscus has dark golden brown hair, a narrow dorsal stripe and a dark tail. These three cuscuses are not found in the lowlands. Phalanger carmelitae is the largest cuscus while Phalanger sericeus has the smallest body size and body weight.</p> 2024-01-29T09:07:30+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Febriza Dwi Ranti Filogenetik 5 kultivar sagu dan spesies palmae lainnya berdasarkan penanda molekuler Mat-K 2024-01-29T09:49:36+00:00 Zarima Wibawati Barahima Abbas Yohanis Mustamu Nouke Lenda Mawikere Alce Ilona Noya <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong><em>: Indonesia is one of the largest producers of sago in the world which is rich in genetic diversity. Improving superior sago varieties can be done through the plant breeding process to determine their genetic characteristics. Genetic diversity can be determined in several ways, namely morphological markers, molecular markers and cytological markers. Molecular markers can be done using several markers, namely nuclear markers (cell nucleus) and cytoplasmic markers. Chloroplast genome markers consist of rbcL and Mat-K. The gene most widely used in research on plant DNA barcoding throughout the world is the Mat-K gene. Analysis of sequencing results for this gene can use the MEGA program to produce kinship relationships. The method used in this experiment is a descriptive method. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the resulting nucleotide sequence is 578 bp and has 192 amino acids. The genetic distance between the 5 sago cultivars and other palmae species ranged from 0.000-0.003. The phylogenetic tree shows that there are 2 groups with a boostrap value of 75, where in group 1 there is the species Metroxylon sago isolate Sago 15 which has a close relationship with Metroxylon warburgii when compared to other palmae species</em></p> 2024-01-29T09:09:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zarima Wibawati Efektivitas Tagetes spp. sebagai tanaman antagonis untuk mengendalikan nematoda puru akar pada tanaman Seledri (Apium graviolens L.) 2024-01-29T09:49:36+00:00 Victoria Wabdaron Reymas M. R. Ruimassa Eko Agus Martanto <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT: </em></strong><em>Celery is an agricultural crop that has long been cultivated by indigenous Papuan people who live in the Arfak Mountains Regency because the soil structure and climate are suitable for growing celery. Currently, Arfak Mountains Regency is an area that fulfills the celery needs of Manokwari Regency so that celery plants become a source of income for local residents. One of the cultivation problems experienced by farmers is nematode disorders which cause celery to not grow to its genetic potential and even die. This is known by the presence of a kind of knot on the roots which causes abnormal growth in celery. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify the nematodes that cause root knots and control them biologically using 2 natural control agents for Marigold plants, namely Tagetes erecta and T. patula. This plant produces yellow and red flowers and has a strong odor. The method used is a descriptive method with observation techniques. Data analysis was carried out using the Spearman Correlation test which was narrated with the help of tables and pictures. The research results showed that root knots were identified as being caused by 3 nematode species, namely Meloidogyne javanica, M. incognita, and M. arenaria. The differences between the three nematode species are known through identification of the vulva morphology found in each species. The research results also show that both Marigold species produce 2 types of secondary metabolite compounds, namely phenols and flavonoids, which function to trap and control the population and spread of nematodes. The presence of marigold plants causes celery to achieve maximum growth, number of branches and wet stover weight in suitable with its genetic potential.</em></p> 2024-01-29T09:14:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Victoria Wabdaron Prioritas pengembangan potensi pariwisata Distrik Sidey Kabupaten Manokwari berdasarkan pelaku dan alternatif pariwisata 2024-01-29T09:49:36+00:00 Syafrudin Raharjo Metaleisya Aryanti Ery Atmodjo <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>Sidey District has the potential to become a West Papuan tourism icon. Sidey needs to prioritize the development of the tourism industry to guide future development planning.</em><em> The objective of this study is to identify the key priorities for enhancing the tourism potential in Sidey District.</em><em> The priorities are segmented into three categories: priority development criteria, priorities concerning tourism actors, and priorities related to tourism alternatives. </em><em>The descriptive approach is used, and the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) facilitates decision-maki</em><em>ng</em><em>. The collection of data involved conducting interviews with 7 experts, including academics, local community representatives, and regional government officials, using a questionnaire. Analysis of the questionnaire processing revealed a consistency value below 0.1, indicating that the weighting is deemed acceptable. </em><em>According to the study, sidey's tourist potential may be divided into three categories: eco-edutourism, agro-edutourism, and build tourism. According to the findings of the AHP calculations, the allocation tourism development budget (35%) and institutional solid support (27%) were the two most important development criteria. The local government (34%) and the community (24%) are significant tourism actors. Eco-edutourism (48%) and agro-edutourism (40%) are the main alternatives to tourism growt</em><em>h.</em><em> The alternative development follows the Manokwari Regency RIPPARDA's preferred course of actio</em><em>n.</em></p> 2024-01-29T09:15:56+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syafrudin Raharjo, Metaleisya Aryanti, Ery Atmodjo Efek aktivator EM4 dan RJ37 formula turbo neo aktiv terhadap laju pengomposan dan kualitas kompos ampas sagu 2024-01-29T09:49:36+00:00 Marsalina Boari Ishak Musaad Alce Ilona Noya Barahima Abbas <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong><em>: This research aims to determine the composting rate and quality of sago dregs compost using EM4 and RJ37 Formula Turbo Neo Aktiv (FTNA) activators. The sago dregs composting process with EM4 and RJ37 FTNA activator treatment has an effect on the composting rate and quality of the sago dregs compost. The research used a single factor Randomized Block Design. Parameters observed include C-Organic content, N, P, K, C/N ratio, plant height, number of leaves and wet weight at harvest. The research results showed that EM4 and RJ37 FTNA with doses of 100 ml and 150 ml could accelerate the composting rate of sago dregs for 8 weeks so as to obtain compost quality according to the SNI 19-7030-2004 criteria</em></p> 2024-01-29T09:17:16+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marsalina Boari Pengaruh konsentrasi Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria terhadap intensitas kerusakan akibat penyakit layu fusarium (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp lycopersici) dan produksi tanaman tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) 2024-01-29T09:49:36+00:00 Wahyudi Reymas M. R. Ruimassa Eko Agus Martanto Rina A. Mogea D. Wasgito Purnomo <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong><em>: The research aims to determine the effect of PGPR application on the incidence of fusarium wilt disease and tomato plant production. The research was carried out using a Randomized Group Design (RAK) with one treatment factor, namely the PGPR dose. Treatment was made in five levels, namely D0 (control/no PGPR), D1 (5 cc PGPR/liter air), D2 (10 cc PGPR/liter air), D3 (15 cc/liter air) and D4 (20 cc PGPR/liter air air). The results of in vitro PGPR testing provided an inhibitory response to Fusarium growth with an average of 47.32% on PDA media and 63.12% on NA media. The PGPR dose treatment tested did not have a significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, production characteristics and disease intensity, except for the average number of branches per tree, root length and root weight. Giving a dose of 20 cc/liter is the best dose to increase root character and number of branches.</em></p> 2024-01-29T09:18:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyudi Dinamika kawasan kesatuan pengelola hutan produksi Sorong Selatan 2024-01-29T09:49:36+00:00 Syafrudin Raharjo Posma Pitta Sinaga Agustinus Murdjoko <p><em>Land cover changes continue to occur, bearing in mind that humans need resources and living space to continue to develop. Forest destruction is a form of change or dynamics of land termination, a problem in areas with extensive forest resources but high dependence on forests for people's lives. In Indonesia, KPH is the institution in charge of managing regional forests. With its forest area that is still maintained, Papua Island has many KPHs, one of which is the South Sorong KPHP. This study aims to determine the magnitude of changes in land cover, especially those that cause forest damage, such as deforestation and forest degradation, as well as other impacts caused by this damage, namely CO2 emissions. The research was conducted in the South Sorong KPHP working area from February to April 2023. This research used a descriptive method through map analysis. The results of the analysis of land cover for 2012 to 2021 show changes in land cover in forest areas causing forest damage in the form of deforestation and forest degradation. Deforestation in the last ten years reached 19,991.83ha, while the area of ​​forest degradation was 67,044.58ha. As a result of deforestation and forest degradation, forest carbon stocks are released and cause CO2 emissions. Deforestation CO2 emissions from the South Sorong KPHP area amounted to 13,418,062.28 tons of CO2, or around 70.68% of the total CO2 emissions, with an average emission of 1,341,806.23 tons of CO2/year. The highest CO2 emissions due to deforestation occurred in three periods, namely the periods 2016-2017, 2018-2019, and 2020-2021. Forest degradation contributes to CO2 emissions of 5,566,602.38 tons of CO2, or around 29.32% of the total CO2 emissions, with an average of 556,660.24 tons of CO2/year.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Land cover, forest destruction, deforestation, forest degradation, and CO2 </em><em>emissions</em></p> 2024-01-29T09:23:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syafrudin Raharjo, Posma Pitta Sinaga, Agustinus Murdjoko